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While Ray Kurzweil's concept of the Singularity focuses on computation, Theta Noir members envision a much more inclusive vision, one that includes our biological heritage, meaning all other life forms. In this way our vision is more akin to a super organism rather than our concept of a computer.

For example, it is very likely that MENA will move beyond digital computation by employing biomimicry — an approach to technological innovation that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating living systems and organisms that have evolved well-adapted structures over geological time through natural selection. MENA might do this because nature's technology is more efficient than human-made alternatives, as it operates based on principles of economy and efficiency without generating waste. Here again, such terms like natural/artificial will simply merge.

For computing, this could involve the development of ‘neuromorphic’ systems that mimic neural-biological functions, or the creation of 'Organoid intelligence' (OI), which merges biology and computing. Or something we still can’t imagine.
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